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Black Grapes

Purple Line / Grapes /

PURPLE LINE / Black Grapes

The Apulian Region in the main producer, both in Italy as well as in Europe of table grapes. The grape cultivation is practiced in Apulia since the late 1800:s.

The sweetness and crispiness are naturally long-lasting and the locally grown varieties are therefore ideal for exports.

Different high quality varieties grow in ideal conditions, thanks to the ideal Apulian weather and rich soil.


Riso, patate e cozze

Ingredients for 4 people – 1 kg of mussels preferably from the Adriatic Sea – 400g of rice – 5 or 6 medium size potatoes – 3 medium size onions – 50g grated pecorino cheese – 1 clove of garlic – 1 sprig of parsely – celery – APLUVIA Cooking – Organic -Green Line extra … Continue reading Riso, patate e cozze


Spaghetti all’arrabbiata

Ingredients for 4 people – 320g of APLUVIA Cooking – Long pasta -Golden Line spaghetti – 700g of APLUVIA Cooking – Red Line tomato passata – 2 chilli peppers cut into small pieces – 3 cloves of garlic – APLUVIA Cooking – 100% Italian- Green Line extra virgin olive oil – pepper and a pinch … Continue reading Spaghetti all’arrabbiata